2009 我在夏威夷渡假,心血來潮當義工,清馬廄,挑馬糞!每週3次,每次清理10個馬厩,把馬份放在這重複使用的廢物袋,再把這些袋子放到這不太靈光的麵包車上, 開一車糞到 大草場上鋪平當肥料。非常耗體力,我和馬兒快樂透了 這是我載馬糞的車。裝滿一車車開到馬場交替鋪平當肥料!讓草兒長得綠油油的😍😍😍
In 2009, I took a vacation in Hawaii, signed up for some volunteer work in a horse stable. I cleaned 10 horse stables 3 times a week, gave horse fresh water, shuffled their waste into re-usable bags, loaded these bags of horse waste to a nearby field, spread all over that field for fertilizer. That was A LOT OF exercise! And the I had a wonderful time with the different horses. This is what I call Freedom Do whatever I feel like doing without mental hangups! This is the van I was driving, it usually took 3 van load of waste!